Thursday, September 24, 2009

1,2,3 .. Care to feel the nature?

1,2,3 .. Care to feel the nature?

1,2,3 .. Care to feel the nature?, originally uploaded by £$þ.

After the single butterfly picture I posted couple of days back, I thought of doing a collage with other 2 pictures I had of the same butterfly.

I named it 1,2,3 for what it is :-) Not many times that we stop and pay attention to tiny things and patterns around us. Thanks to the 3rd eye, we photographers pay little more attention to things around us than others :-)

Have a nice week ahead!!


  1. Hey LSP! That's a beautiful pic. I tried photographing butterflies at Hyderabad zoo about a month back but failed miserably :(

  2. ah! not to worry .. they are too quick so you need to use high shutter speed to capture them or u'll end up having all blurred pics :( If you are using normal point and shoot camera its little tough or you should try in a specific mode called shutter priority mode and keep a high shutter speed :)


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