Sunday, June 2, 2013

Nostalgic Memories ...

Nostalgic Memories ...

Nostalgic Memories ..., originally uploaded by £$þ.

It is strange how we hold on to the pieces of the past while we wait for our futures.
~ Ally Condie

A wooden swing tied to an old tree, a parked bicycle waiting to be ridden along the dusty roads of the town. Aren't they good enough to trigger your memories from the past? Those wonderful nostalgic memories still fresh and green somewhere deep in the mind!

Nostalgic Memories | Pasumayana Ninaivugal | Yaadgaar Lamhe

Expected to view Large on Black.


  1. Agree with what Ally said - and that is a lovely photograph.
    Congrats on being in the list of Top Indian Blogs of this year :-)


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